Preferred Libraries and Tools

These are my favourite libraries/technologies. Mainly serves as a reminder for me, because I'm prone to forgetting library names.

Library Description
nuklear UI library.
cpptoml Config Parser.
cxxopts Parameter Parser.
sdl2 Media abstraction library (graphics context creation, audio abstraction, input abstraction, etc ...... ).
sqlite3 Simple database/data storage.
postgresql More sophisticated database.
stb_image Mainly as png loader/saver.
opengl Rendering API, mainly using version 2.1 with extensions.
glad OpenGL extension loader.
opencl I don't like CUDA, since I'm dependent on NVidia cards, same reason I don't use directx (where I'm dependent on Windows, obviously).
vulkan Like opengl, but better which doesn't mean I'm better at it.
godot Game engine with incredibly well structured design. I sat down and started designing my own until I discovered godot. By sheer coincidence a lot of my design choices were overlapping with godot which may explain my positive opinion of the engine.
libcurl Mainly as client for my genralapi library.
libudev udev access for input stuff. Normally I use sdl2 for this (which uses libudev). In the case I only want input I use this.
midimonster Multi-protocol translation software for different control protocols like midi, opensoundcontrol, openpixelcontrol and more.
Published on Thu 28 February 2019
Author: Claudius "keldu" Holeksa
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